Master Financial Modeler

Earn a place amongst the world’s most elite modelers by extending the boundaries of the discipline.

Why the MFM?
The Master Financial Modeler (MFM) will recognize the very best modelers in the world.

By attaining the AFM designation, you have demonstrated proficiency in building a three-statement model of a company.

By attaining the CFM designation, you have demonstrated tremendous technical and problem solving skills in financial modeling.

The MFM is for those who have attained the AFM and CFM accreditations, and have also made a meaningful contribution to the field of financial modeling.
What’s a Meaningful Contribution?
As an elite financial modeler, you will have made a meaningful contribution to the discipline of financial modeling. This would include some combination of content development, thought leadership, professional leadership and education.

You will act as an ambassador and continue to push the boundaries of financial modeling skills and knowledge globally.

Stay tuned for more information on the Master Financial Modeler (MFM) accreditation in the coming months.
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