FMI Partners

Bringing financial modeling programs and accreditations to leading companies, associations and universities worldwide

Companies and Teams

Financial Modeling Institute works with companies to offer its financial modeling accreditation programs to finance and accounting teams.

Financial modeling accreditation is relevant for finance and accounting professionals because accreditation is the bridge between training and mastery.

With an FMI accreditation, professionals are able to demonstrate that they have the modeling skills required to build best-in-class financial models and managers can be confident that model risk has been reduced.

Financial modeling is also an important skill to foster critical thinking and to promote leadership development. With excellent modeling skills, an accredited professional will ultimately be able to lead a modeling team, and provide strategic recommendations with confidence.

FMI’s accreditations are relevant for professionals working in equity research, investment banking, private equity, asset management, business development, venture capital, and other areas of accounting and finance.

Contact us to learn how to get your team accredited.